Live Music in Wales Conference


Location: The ATRiuM, Cardiff

Audience: Public

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This one-day conference brought together leading academics, policymakers and music industry professionals to discuss some of the problems facing the live music industry in Wales and how it can be supported during hard times. It was organised in partnership with the AHRC-funded Live Music Exchange.

The conference formed part of the Centre’s ongoing work on the challenges facing the live music industry in Wales and related issues to do with skills and training within higher education.

Keynote lecture:

Professor George McKay, University of Salford – Festival, Place, Industry, Community


Panel 1. Policies and policymakers: What is being done to support live music in Wales?
Chair: Professor Martin Cloonan (University of Glasgow)

  • Dai Davies (Creative Industries Panel Wales)
  • John Rostron (Welsh Music Foundation)
  • Huw Williams (The Pooh Sticks)
  • Lisa Matthews (Arts Council of Wales)

Panel 2. Skills and Training: What is being done to support live music in Wales?
Chair: Dr Paul Chair (University of Glamorgan)

  • Sarah Gates (CC Skills)
  • Simon Bracken (Head of Faculty for Creative & Cultural at Cardiff and Vale College)
  • Lisa Jen Brown (9Bach)
  • Professor Martin Cloonan (University of Glasgow)

The conference also featured an interview with Fiona Stewart, organiser of the Green Man Festival, and a series of roundtable discussions in which delegates were asked to discuss in groups some of the issues facing the live music industry in Wales.

Download a copy of the conference programme

Response to the conference:

“Great event on Sat, thanks so much … Would love to come to one of the other events you have planned for 2013 in Glasgow or London! Thanks again for the invitation.”
Professor George McKay, University of Salford

“Well done to you and the other organisers. I thought the event was valuable for me and my students.”
Michael O’Hara, University of Glamorgan

“I very much enjoyed the conference and will certainly attend more events in the future.”
Frances Crack, Taffs Well Music Studio