06-03-2019 at 4pm to 5pm
Location: University of South Wales, Cardiff Campus, The ATRiuM (Zen Room), 86-88 Adam Street , Cardiff, CF24 2FN.
Audience: Public
Sign up: https://bregus.eventbrite.co.uk
Bydd y seminar hwn yn trafod fy mhroses o gyd-weithio gyda'r crochenydd Lowri Davies er mwyn creu a chynnal Bregus, digwyddiad perfformiadol safle-benodol. Perfformiwyd Bregus yn wreiddiol adeg Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Caerdydd 2018 yn festri capel Tabernacl yr Ais yng Nghaerdydd, ac rydym wedi ei gyflwyno i gynulleidfaoedd gwahanol yn yr un lleoliad ers hynny. Bydd y seminar yn adlewyrchu hefyd ar rai o themâu ehangach y perfformiad sef rôl y fenyw o fewn cymuned y capel Cymraeg, ac o fewn cymdeithas Gymreig yn ehangach. Adlewyrchir hefyd ar allu’r perfformiad fel cyfrwng i gyfathrebu gyda chynulleidfaoedd o fewn y capel, a thrafodir ymateb gwahanol gynulleidfaoedd i'r darn.
Mae Dr Rhiannon Williams yn ddarlithydd mewn Theatr a Drama ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru. Mae ganddi BA mewn Theatr, Ffilm a Theledu ac MA mewn Ymarfer Perfformiad o Brifysgol Aberystwyth. Cwblhaodd ddoethuriaeth ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru ar “Y Capel Cymraeg, Cymdogaeth a Pherfformiad”.
Trefnwyd y seminar ymchwil hwn ar y cyd rhwng Cangen De Cymru’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol a Chanolfan Astudio Cyfryngau a Diwylliant mewn Cenhedloedd Bach.
This seminar will discuss my collaboration with ceramicist Lowri Davies to create and carry out Bregus, a site-specific performative event. Bregus was originally performed during the National Eisteddfod in Cardiff in 2018, in the vestry of Tabernacle Chapel in the Hayes, Cardiff, and we have presented it to different audiences in the same location since. The seminar will also reflect on some of the broader themes of the performance, namely the role of the woman within Welsh Chapel community and within Welsh society more broadly. It will also reflect on the performance’s potential as a medium to communicate with audiences within the chapel, and will discuss the response of different audiences to the piece.
Dr Rhiannon Williams is a lecturer in Theatre and Drama at the University of South Wales. She has a BA in Theatre, Film and Television and an MA in Practising Performance from Aberystwyth University. She completed her PhD at USW on “The Welsh Language Chapel, Community and Performance.”
This research seminar is a collaboration between the University of South Wales Branch of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and the Centre for Media and Culture in Small Nations.