Television Drama Production in Wales

Stiwdios Drama Porth y Rhath a'r Diwydiannau Creadigol yng Nghymru

Tîm Ymchwil: Yr Athro Ruth McElroy, Dr Caitriona Noonan a’r Athro Emeritws Steve Blandford.

Cyllidwr: Cynllun Buddsoddi mewn Ymchwil PDC.

Crynodeb: Mae'r prosiect hwn yn archwilio stiwdios drama newydd y BBC o ran ei ddatblygiadau polisi a chynhyrchu ehangach. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys polisi 'gwledydd a'r rhanbarthau' y BBC ei hun i gynhyrchu mwy o raglenni rhwydwaith y tu allan i Lundain. Mae'r prosiect yn ystyried y rhesymeg y tu ôl i sefydlu'r stiwdios a'r hyn y maent yn ei olygu i Gymru a'i diwydiannau creadigol.

Nod: Mae ein gwaith ymchwil yn anelu at ateb dau gwestiwn allweddol:

1. Beth oedd y rhesymeg y tu ôl i ddatblygiad stiwdios Porth y Rhath fel canolfan ar gyfer cynhyrchu dramâu teledu?

2. Beth mae’r cyfleuster newydd hwn yn ei olygu i Gymru a'i diwydiannau creadigol? Mae'r prosiect hwn yn darparu'r astudiaeth fawr gyntaf o Stiwdios Porth y Rhath fel datblygiad tirnod ar gyfer y diwydiannau creadigol yng Nghymru ac yn y DU.

Amcanion: Mae'r ymchwil yn cyfrannu at y trafodaethau parhaus am ddarlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus a'r sector creadigol ehangach yng Nghymru ill dau a'i uchelgais i fod yn gystadleuydd difrifol yn y farchnad cynhyrchu teledu.

Allbynnau Ymchwil: Mae crynodeb gweithredol o’r ymchwil ar gael i'r cyhoedd ar-lein ar wefan y prosiect. Caiff yr erthygl cyfnodolyn cyntaf o'r prosiect, Ruth McElroy & Caitriona Noonan’s ‘Television drama production in small nations: mobilities in a changing ecology’ ei gyhoeddi fel rhan o rifyn arbennig a olygwyd ar gynhyrchu teledu mewn Cenhedloedd Bach o’r Journal of Popular Television yn 2016. Mae'r ymchwil hwn wedi arwain at rwydwaith ymchwil rhyngwladol, a ariennir gan yr AHRC, sy’n archwilio 'Cynhyrchu teledu mewn gwledydd bach'.

McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. (2015) Television Drama Production in Wales. A report by the Centre for the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations.


Roath Lock Drama Studios and the Creative Industries in Wales

Research Team: Prof. Ruth McElroy, Dr Caitriona Noonan and Emeritus Prof. Steve Blandford.

Funder: USW Research Investment Scheme.

Summary: This project examines the BBC’s new drama studios in relation to its broader policy and production developments. These include the BBC’s own 'nations and regions’ policy to produce more network programmes outside London. The project considers the rationale behind the establishment of the studios and what they mean for Wales and its creative industries.

Aim: Our research aims to answer two key questions:

1. What was the rationale behind the development of the Roath Lock studios as a centre for television drama production?

2. What does this new facility means for Wales and its creative industries?

This project provides the first major study of the Roath Lock Studios as a landmark development for the creative industries in both Wales and the UK.

Objectives: The research contributes to the on-going debates about both public service broadcasting and the wider creative sector in Wales and its ambition to be a serious contender in the television production market.

Research Outputs: An executive summary of the research is publicly available online on the project’s webpage. The first journal article from the project, Ruth McElroy & Caitriona Noonan’s Television drama production in small nations: mobilities in a changing ecology’ will be published as part of an edited special issue on TV production in Small Nations of the Journal of Popular Television in 2016. This research has lead to an international research network, funded by the AHRC, examining ‘Television production in small nations’.    

McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. (2015) Television Drama Production in Wales. A report by the Centre for the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations.